Sunday 23 December 2012

Competing Origins

Professor Brian Cox writes about the origin of the universe in The Atheist's Guide to Christmas:
The scientific creation story has majesty, power and beauty. and is infused with a powerful message capable of lifting our spirits in a way that its multitudinous supernatural counterparts are incapable of matching. It teaches us that we are the products of 13.7 billion years of cosmic evolution and the mechanism by which meaning entered the universe, if only for a fleeting moment in time. Because the universe means something to me, and the fact that we are all agglomerations of quarks and electrons in a complex and fragile pattern that can perceive the beauty of the universe with visceral wonder, is, I think, a thought worth raising a glass to this Christmas.
On the other hand, Glen Scrivener writes:
In the beginning was the life and love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Before there was a universe there wasn’t nothing, there wasn’t chaos and there wasn’t a lonely god. Our origins are not darkness but entirely light.

But when this God creates, the equation changes. Suddenly there is something else other than God. The Father, Son and Spirit are radically relativised! They are not everything. God ‘makes room’ if you like for something else to be alongside. In fact, for something else to be drawn in.
Read on here.


Mike said...

I love the way Brian Cox et al dress up meaninglessness. Just because you can put some pretty big numbers and dimensions on it doesn't make it any less hopeless! I would describe it as desperate rhetoric. I suppose you've got to do something to try and drive away the despair. What I want to ask is, why does he *feel* the need to write in this way?

Richard Walker said...

Good question :-)