Wednesday 16 June 2010

Anyone Want To Come With Me To Hear Michael Ward?

If you aren't doing anything on Tuesday 29 June @8pm, Dr. Michael Ward is giving a free public lecture The Heavens Declare the Glory of God based on his book Planet Narnia.

I'd like to go, (I need to speak to the Milkybar_Kid first though! He knows who he is.)

If you would like to go, give me a shout, if I can make it, I am happy to provide free transport up to St Peter's College, Oxford and back on the night!

I'm not going because I have read all the Narnia books, but because C. S. Lewis had a very different way of looking at the world. A breath of fresh air when you live in the putrefying atmosphere of egocentric modernism.


Unknown said...

The taster Table Talk at Theology Network gives a hint. Should be imaginatively inspiring.

Richard Walker said...

Thanks for the link Dave, I'd forgotten I'd listened to that.

I bet you can't guess who I am... said...

What would you say to somebody who's trying to lead a Christian life whilst struggling to leave behind that which they had previously valued?

Richard Walker said...

A struggle I know personally all too well!

Given your anonymity, I can't tell if you are struggling Christian, or a religious person who is dressing themselves up in Christian morality. There is a BIG/ETERNAL difference

I'd say: give up trying to live the Christian life, it's impossible. Rule keeping, even if it is christian rule keeping is poisonous to the soul, and many will have the door of Heaven shut in their faces because they thought all God was interested in was their ability to be good.

Success in this life is not defined by the perfection of our performance, but our perseverance in listening to and believing God's promises.

So rather than trying to be perfect, humble yourself and ask God to father/apprentice/lead/mentor you, (he is the perfect father not like our imperfect earthly ones).

Ask God to transform your heart. It is the only way. And when he prompts to do certain things, that you know in your heart are right, do them. Don't worry about the big picture, take each day at a time and ask him to show you what he wants to do with you in that day, and have the courage to believe him.

And when you stuff up, like I do, REGULARLY, say sorry and know that because of his love, you can start all over again.

Read the Bible, read the gospels and ask him to show you how you can walk in the footsteps of his Son Jesus - to walk more and more in the perfection he has given to all those who receive him. The perfection that was given to us by the death and resurrection of Jesus.

There's much more I could say and would be happy to meet up/phone - if desired - assuming you're not ridiculously far away! :-)