Sunday, 1 June 2014

The Importance of Jesus' Ascension

Last week, most of the global church of Jesus formally celebrated the Ascension.

Here are seven reasons why the Ascension is great news taken from an article by Gerrit Dawson! (No, I had never heard of him either).
  1. Jesus inhabits his earthly body - he didn't unzip and step out of his skin suit when he got back to Heaven. He is the eternal God-Man and has a body like ours, but glorified and he will glorify all those who receive him.
  2. Jesus sits on the Throne of Heaven - It wasn't Jesus' spirit only that ascended, his whole body did too. Bodily ascension is as important as bodily resurrection.
  3. Jesus lives - Heaven is a real place with time and space, not a floaty ethereal place which half exists. And real beings with real bodies live there.
  4. Jesus gives - Kings show off their glory by giving gifts to their people. David gave the Israelites some raisins (2 Sam 6:19), Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2)
  5. Jesus speaks to the Father on our behalf.
  6. Jesus restores and glorifies - The Image of God marred in Adam and disfigured in Jesus at the cross is not only restored but glorified in the ascended Christ.
  7. Jesus reigns. The church is a future centred people, but from the future now of the throne of Grace - Jesus directs his people in the present by his Spirit orchestrating all of history to the time when he will be revealed to the naked eyes of all.
To read the excellent article in full click here.

Or have a read of Psalm 24 remembering that Jesus is the answer to the "Who?" of verse 3.