Monday, 6 July 2009

A Tale of Two Cities

The Hebrew word for Jerusalem is a fascinating one. It is "Yerushalayim." - City of Peace.

So what?

Well the ending is curious. it's a dual. So literally translated it means "Two Cities of Peace." A strange name for one city to have isn't it?

Unless of course you're like Abraham and remember that the earthly Jerusalem was always to be a symbol of the heavenly one.

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Holiday Reading

Am packing for Kenya and Uganda and the usual problem of which books to take perplexes me. Along with my pocket-sized dagger, aka Bible, I always take far more than I end up reading, which on a normal holiday isn't a problem, but on this holiday, everything I want to take, I have to hike up the mountains on my back so... hmmm...

Here's the shortlist:
Africa (the paperback version)
Boy Meets Girl (for pastoral reasons, of course ;-)
The Jewish Trinity (To my personal annoyance, I still haven't read this yet)

Friday, 3 July 2009

TdF 2009

It all starts tomorrow in Monaco. I wonder who'll win.

ll be somewhere up a mountain, so won't have a clue until long after.